Why Brand?
Every business requires a vehicle that encapsulates the potential of its possibilities and sets the scene – and thus the tone – for it to go out and do business. Something that does the pre-work before the phone is picked up, the website is visited or the initial enquiry email is sent. A vehicle that will really stand it apart – that paints a picture in stakeholder’s minds of just what it is that the product or service stands for… and also then engenders a trust in what it will actually deliver.
That is about more than creating a logo. It is about building a Brand.
What Is A Brand?
A Brand is made up of two things:
- The Brand Proposition – what is promised to the market
- The Brand Experience – what is actually delivered
The Brand Proposition can be split out into four constituent elements:
Brand Vision
This is all about positioning. Identifying where we sit in relation to our competitors and the space that we want the brand to own. It’s about articulating in one sentence the big idea behind the brand – the thing that it is ‘going to be famous for’.
Brand Values
This is about isolating three, possibly four statements that will drive the culture of the business. In other words, “How we do things around here…”. These will guide the way that the business acts both operationally and from a marketing perspective.
Brand Tone + Brand Story
Whilst visual identity is perhaps the most tangible aspect of a brand, the language it uses is arguably its most pervasive – the thing that can really connect it to its audience. The articulation of personality through language and tone-of-voice – consistently delivered across every touch point – is absolutely vital to success in this respect. Our work in this area will culminate in writing a short establishing piece that tells the story of the brand in the agreed brand tone.
Brand Identity
Creating something visually magical that energises every point of connection with the brand’s audience – where ‘the whole equals more than the sum of its parts’. It’s not just about the logotype or wordmark it is about everything that wraps around it to create the brand’s own individual visual DNA: fonts; colourways; style of iconography; style and composition of photography plus development of a system for how they all work in relation to each other.
The Brand Experience is about considering every touch-point that the brand’s audience and customers come into contact with – whether that’s online, in store, opening a package, making a telephone call or receiving an email.
We work with our clients to deliver extensive Brand Implementation Programmes – applying the brand to websites, social media, stationery, packaging, vehicles, signage, clothing and full interior design programmes.
Finally, for larger businesses we formalise the brand into extensive Brand Guidelines.
Additional elements of creating the brand may also include:
Brand Naming Ideas
We will develop a ‘long-list’ through to a ‘short-list’ ready for the client to undertake the necessary independent legal checks for trademarking suitability.
Brand Architecture, Naming Conventions & Hierarchy
Defining a clear visual hierarchy for how group companies are presented in relation to the main brand – master brand, brand/sub-brand, endorsed brand etc – and the levels at which each of these exist.
Contact us
For more information, to view our full portfolio of work, or to discuss your branding requirements, please get in touch by clicking here or using the contact details below.
Phone: 07813 983444
Email: info@brandidentity.studio
Web: Click here to contact us